When: Friday, May 5
Where: Madison Memorial - Mansfield Stadium
Who: Varsity
Friday, May 5th, 2023 Hosted by Madison Memorial at Mansfield Stadium – Madison, WI
ENTRIES: Two entries in each individual event One relay team entry in each relay event
WIAA rules determine how many events an individual may enter
Participating in the non-scoring events will count toward the event limit
The four non-scoring events (these relays are to give more runners a chance to compete in a major meet)
4x800 meter 9th-12th grade
4x100 meter 9th-12th grade
4x100 meter shot/discus
4x400 meter 9th-12th grade
Entries must be entered on wi.milesplit.com by 5:00pm Wednesday May 3rd **
** $50 late fee for any school who does not enter their entries on time
MEET FEE: Entry will be invoiced to schools following meet (if not paid prior to meet)
SCRATCHES/ Please make all changes in the press box as soon as you arrive CHANGES: Deadline for ALL changes is 4:30pm
SCORING: Eight place scoring for all events (10, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
TIMING: Fully Automatic Timing (In Focus Timing)
AWARDS: Medals will be awarded for the first 6 individuals and 3 relay places
In the non-scoring events, medals will be given to the winning team only
Team trophies will be given to the top two teams
Awards will be given to the
Outstanding Field Event Performer – Girls & Boys
Outstanding Track Event Performer – Girls & Boys
“Stan Richter Mile” - Girls & Boys
“Steve Barr 8-Lap Classic” 4 x 800m Relay – Girls & Boys
Awards and meet results may be picked up in the press box at the conclusion of the meet
Pole Vault/High Jump
Long Jump/Triple Jump
Shot Put/Discus
FACILITIES: All running and jumping areas have an all-weather surface
Only 1/4” pyramid spikes may be used on the all-weather surface
Track is a 9-lane all-weather surface track on straight-away & all around track
The shot and discus areas are concrete, competition areas are outside the stadium
RESTRICTED The infield area is off limits to athletes & coaches all warm ups should occur outside
AREAS: the track area once the meet has begun (exception – during the break)
The press box is off limits to everyone except coaching staff & meet officials
The finish area is off limits to everyone except meet officials
BATHROOMS: Contestants may access the bathrooms in the stadium as no school facilities will be available. Please secure your own clothes and valuables as we cannot be responsible for loss or theft.
EQUIPMENT: Please remind your runners that spikes may not be longer than ¼”
Starting blocks will be the only equipment provided
Shot and discus will be checked prior to the meet at the shed in the throws area
TRAINER: An athletic trainer will be available for athletes during the meet in the garage area
CONCESSIONS: Concessions will be available for athletes and spectators
There will be a meal for coaches and workers served during the break
RESULTS: Results will be posted on the press box
Copies of results will be e-mailed to head coaches after the meet
Results will be posted at www.infocustiming.com
BUS: Drop off recommended at 3:00pm Madison Memorial school dismissal is 3:37pm (very busy parking lot)…buses should drop off and leave lot until after 4:00pm
WEATHER: If inclement weather occurs the meet announcer will clear the stadium and instruct all athletes and spectators to enter the school and eventually into the field house. Masks will be required inside the building (we will provide for anyone who needs)
No one will be allowed to stay under the stadium
Questions: Casey Hopp Cell 608-219-7451 crhopp@hotmail.com (Meet manager), Bill Richardson Cell 608-849-6213 wkrichardson@madison.k12.wi.us (Head Coach)
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